About the opportunity
The Festival Connect Fund recognises the role of festivals in Sub-Saharan Africa as an embodiment of the traditions, values, and dreams of a place and its people as well as a catalyst to stimulate local economies, foster social connections, and enrich the lives of those who attend. In a world marked by rapid change, festivals remain essential in preserving the spirit and vitality of communities across SSA.
Over the next 3 years, BC expects the Festival Connect Fund to help achieve our long-term goals (strategic outcomes), which include:
new festival partnerships and exchanges developed, and existing ones strengthened between SSA and UK festivals, artists, creators and managers.
The development of knowledge networks
public engagement and access to international artists, creators, researchers
SSA festivals and speakers showcasing their work with potential for future projects and networks.
Festival Connect recognises the transformative power of festivals to shape communities, catalyse artistic innovation, and social impact, and facilitate international collaboration across Sub-Saharan Africa and the UK arts sector.
Festival Connect facilitates connections, exchanges, and showcases contemporary arts between festivals across SSA and the UK. In 2024/5 the Festival Connect Fund is seeking submissions of interest from festivals across art forms including interest to seek applications across dance, theatre and music.
We acknowledge the broad diversity of festivals and in this regard welcome applications from festival organisations operating either annual, triennial, or biennial festival programmes.
1 April 2024
Festival Connect aims to
Create new opportunities for SSA-based festivals that can lead to future creative collaboration, co-commissions and partnership projects.
Support a broad range of festival making and artistic expressions including Festivals engaged with the transmission of cultural heritage.
Facilitate mobility for festivals and festival leaders within SSA and UK (Professional Development, Exchange, Presentation)
Build new cross-regional collaborations focused on access to the market and the potential of festivals in bridging cultures in SSA and with the UK arts sector. Fes
Develop data-driven innovation and research into the festival sector across SSA and the UK – to inspire innovations from creators in artistic work, audience experiences, or research products and services that use/generate data.
Improve the festival value chain, targeting tour-ready work, festival management and networks including encouraging space for experimentation with creative technology (digital festivals included) to develop new experiences.
There are three bands of funding available.
Band A- for Grants up to £10,000.
Band B – For Grants of £10,000 - £20,000.
Band C- For Grants of £20,000- £40,000 (festivals requiring the maximum of £40,000 must demonstrate their capacity and needs in the area of artform development and production (e.g. co-commissioning, producing, etc.)
Your proposal value should be between £10,000 – £40,000 (or the equivalent in local currency)
A confirmed partnership or booking between festivals, organisations or artists.
Proposals must be festival led.your proposal must clearly demonstrate how proposed activities connect to the Festival Connect ambition to support Festival connections, exchange and showcasing contemporary arts between festivals across SSA and the UK including (In 2024 we are open to applications from festivals across art forms including interest to seek applications across dance, theatre and music.
If you are proposing to programme artists, the artist needs to come from the reciprocating country (i.e. UK or SSA)
The activity should take place between May 2024 and April 2025
The festivals involved should have presented a minimum of three iterations of their festival.
Demonstrates sound and effective festival and financial management, ensuring the project proposed is feasible.
Your project must connect with an 18-35-year-old audience.
Artists programmed must be between 18 and 35 years old - So that more SSA and UK 18-35-year-olds have access to take part, collaborate and showcase their creative work.
Open to festivals, biennales, art fairs or large-scale exhibitions
Read further here
Your funding experts

InterArts Funding offers its expertise to assist you in applying for grant opportunities, leveraging our extensive experience to enhance your chances of securing the grant. It is important to clarify that InterArts Funding is an independent entity and is not affiliated with any specific funding organization. While we have a commendable track record of success, we cannot guarantee the approval of your application. Grant outcomes depend on various factors beyond our control.